Washington Concert Opera requests the pleasure of your company at the

Opera Soiree/Gala
Soloman Howard*
Cocktails - Concert - Dinner - Silent Auction - Valet Parking - Black-tie optional
wednesday, MAY 21, 2025
6 pM
La Maison Française / Embassy of France
Proceeds from sponsorship and ticket sales, as well as those from the sale of items in our Silent Auction, will directly benefit our performances, community outreach events and educational programming.
*Soloman Howard’s appearance is made possible by underwriters, Alexander D. Crary and Jacquelyn & William Sheehan.
sponsorships & Tickets
Sponsorships start at $2,500 (4 tickets, plus other exciting benefits).
Individual tickets start at $350.
silent auction
Interested in donating an item to our silent auction? Click below to submit details about your item for consideration.
Stay tuned for the launch date of our online auction catalog!