Giving is easy. 

Washington Concert Opera’s 30+ years of the greatest performances of seldom heard operas, dedication to championing established and emerging artists, and professional education initiatives is only made a reality through your support. 

Donations to Washington Concert Opera, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law. 

To make a donation, click below or call the Washington Concert Opera office at 202-364-5826. 

For donations to our 2025 Gala & Silent Auction, please click the button below.



Washington Concert Opera
c/o Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Representative: Steve Pilkerton,  202-741-5969
Account number: please email for this info.
DTC: 0164, Code 40
WCO’s EIN: 52-1473747
Charles Schwab Tax ID#: 94-1737782

Click the above image to expand and further explore our donor benefits.