I Puritani (Expired 7/26/21)

I Puritani (Expired 7/26/21)

Vincenzo Bellini's I Puritani as we originally conceived it has now been cancelled.

HOWEVER, over the next few months, we will be working very hard to bring you a reduced, high-quality recorded version of the opera featuring the originally contracted artists and a small orchestra. All WCO staff and artists will be following strict COVID-19 safety guidelines throughout the production process of this concert.

Access to this presentation, which will be made available to stream online sometime in June 2021, will be FREE for all to enjoy.

Opera Gems Online

Opera Gems Online

Join us via Zoom as we revisit past WCO performances as part of our newly launched series of free, online archival audio streams, Performance Rewind.

With Opera Gems Online, WCO co-founder Peter Russell is reimagining his highly informative discussions for the digital space. Over the course of an hour, the noted opera scholar will give historical context for the operas, broadening the audience’s appreciation and understanding of them in the process.

Women, Their Voices, and Nothing Less (Expired 12/1/20)

Women, Their Voices, and Nothing Less (Expired 12/1/20)


The year 1920 marked a major turning point for equality in America: the year that the 19th Amendment was ratified, giving women the right to vote. On November 2, 2020, join Washington Concert Opera for a free online concert celebrating the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage, filmed at the National Museum of Women in the Arts here in Washington, DC.

Featuring the music of Virgil Thompson, Florence B. Price, and more.